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The UNESCO Chair "Engineering for Society" within the "Politehnica" University was established in 2018, with the main objective of contributing through study and research programs to green energy, intelligent transport, the reduced impact of air transport on the environment, the digitization of transport in order to address UNESCO's mission to provide education for sustainable development.
The department currently organizes the following international interdisciplinary master's programs:
The Master's program "Green, Smart and Integrated Transport and Logistics" offers you, by enrolling and graduating, a holistic understanding of different technological options and methods, interdisciplinary skills, all the necessary competences to develop, analyze and manage innovative and advanced sustainable systems for transport and logistics.
Duration of studies: 2 Years (120 ECTS Credits)
Language Master: English
By completing this master's program, you will acquire transversal skills in aviation and ICT, a holistic understanding of ICT options and methods applied in aviation, the main competencies for developing, analyzing and managing innovative and advanced aviation ITC systems.
Duration of studies: 2 Years (120 ECTS Credits)
Language Master: English
The master's program "Engineering and Management of Intelligent Cities" offers skills and abilities that allow planning, implementation and coordination of the operation of the engineering components related to smart cities.
Duration of studies: 2 Years (120 ECTS Credits)
Language Master: Romanian
The Department of Aerospace Systems, Air Transport and Airports encompasses the teaching and research resources of the UPM in the different disciplines related to the lines:
To this end, it integrates the resources of the PDI and PAS, which are grouped into the following Knowledge Areas:
Although each area has its own resources, there is fluid communication and flexibility in the use of these resources. There are teachers, administrative and service staff, as well as laboratories where teaching is provided in more than one of the above areas.
The objectives of this master's degree aim at ensuring that future graduates have sufficient knowledge and skills to exercise the regulated profession of Aeronautical Engineer and, in addition, to meet legal requirements as set out in the Order CIN/312/2009, of 9 February, which establishes the requirements for the verification
of the official university degrees qualifying for the practice of the profession of Aeronautical Engineer (Ingeniero Aeronáutico).
Duration of studies: 2 Years (120 ECTS Credits)
Language Master: English
The master program is aimed to form professionals and researchers specialized in the design, exploitation and analysis of Aerospace Systems, Air Traffic Management Systems, Airline operation and Air Transport Infrastructures.It aims to improve safety, efficiency and capacity of the air transport and its infrastructures based upon a human centered use of information technology and systems analysis.
The educational objective of the Master's Degree in Air Transport is to prepare students for developing research and professional activity within the areas of airline management, design and operation of air transport infrastructure, systems analysis and architecture, and the operation and development of the Air Traffic Management.
Duration of studies: 1.5 Years (90 ECTS Credits)
Language Master: Spanish/English
This Master is dependent on and organized by the University Institute of Microgravity ‘Ignacio Da Riva’. Aimed at graduates in Aerospace Engineering and related disciplines. The objective of the master's degree is to provide advanced training in the field of space systems engineering. From a strictly curricular point of view, the teaching is aimed at providing students with the necessary training to understand the scientific and technological methodology that governs the conception and design of a space system: space environment, orbital mechanics, attitude control, thermal control, launchers, space mechanisms and structures, materials, power system, data management and processing systems, communications, compatibilities, reliability, etc., as well as the process of integrating the different subsystems in a space system.
Duration of studies: 2 Years (120 ECTS Credits)
Language Master: Spanish
The University of Strasbourg was founded in the 16th century by Johannes Sturm, a protestant scholar. Sturm created a Protestant Gymnasium in 1538 with the mandate of disseminating knowledge, one of the core values of Humanism. Through the years, the Gymnasium progressively developed into an Academy and a University before it finally became the Royal University in 1631.
Strasbourg is the second most international university city in France (after Paris). Today, the University of Strasbourg counts 42.000 students, offers initial and further education in a wide range of academic fields and is an international player in scientific research.
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