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14th edition - Amendment 178
10th edition - Amendment 46
20th Edition - Amendment 80
11th Editon - Amendment 61
5th edition - Amendment 17
12th edition - Amendment 48
11th Edition - Amendment 40
11th Edition - Amendment 24
6th edition - Amendment 7
13th edition - Amendment 109
4th Edition, 2020
16th edition - Amendment 29
7th edition - Amendment 93
7th Edition - Amendment 92
3rd edition - Amendment 91
5th edition - Amendment 91
3rd edition - Amendment 89
15th edition - Amendment 52
8th edition - Amendment 18
12th Edition - Amendment 18
9th Edition - Amendment 17, November 2022
5th Edition - Amendment 9, December 2022
16th Edition - Amendment 42
8th edition - Amendment 14
5th edition - Amendment 11
Second Edition
12th Edition - Amendment 18
4th edition - Amendment 12
2nd Edition - Amendment 1
Doc 9137-AN/898
Fourth Edition, 2015
Doc 9137-AN/898
Fourth Edition, 2002
Doc 9137
Fifth Edition, 2020
Doc 9137P8-AN/898
Fourth Edition, 2009
Doc 9137-AN/898
Second Edition, 1983
Doc 9137-AN/898
Second Edition, 1991
Doc 9137-AN/898
First Edition, 1983
Doc 9137-AN/898
First Edition, 1984
Doc 9157
Fourth Edition, 2020
Doc 9157
Fifth Edition, 2020
Doc 9157
Second Edition, 2017
Doc 9157
First Edition, 2006
2nd Edition, 1987
4th Edition, 2018
First Edition, 2011
Edition 11, March 2019
Planning, design and development of 21st century airports.
4th Edition
The globally accepted industry reference for airlines, freight forwarders, ground handlers and shippers to make sure dangerous goods are transported by air safely and efficiently.
Special Cargo items include live animals, perishables, wet cargo, time and temperature sensitive products and human remains, among others. Due to their nature, weight, dimensions and/or value, they may have specific requirements including packaging, labeling, documentation and handling through the transport chain.
Cargo Operations are the hub of the air cargo supply chain and are performed by hundreds of handlers at thousands of airports around the world. Our vision is to drive safe, efficient and customer-focused operations for the entire air cargo industry.
Standardized performance-based procedures for ground handling operations is necessary for safe & efficient ground operations. Standard procedures would also increase efficiency for ground handling personnel which improves turnaround time.
Safety remains IATA's top priority. The best strategy for safety is prevention, and our manuals can help your organization to properly plan and implement appropriate standards to be ready when faced with safety challenges. This portfolio of manuals provides guidance on operational safety matters that directly impact airline operations.
Staying up to date with rapidly changing regulations allows you to be better prepared for the challenges that the global security environment presents. Security should remain your organization’s top priority and following industry best practices will help your business to stay safe.
This digital portfolio provides practical guidance material and best practices based on regulatory standards for airline operations in the Flight and Technical areas. The objective is to ensure standardized implementation and effective use of the practices contributing significant efficiencies within the flight and technical operations.
Sustainability is a critical priority and the aviation industry’s license to do business. The Environment and Sustainability manuals contain standards and industry guidance to support sustainability initiatives for the aviation value chain on topics such as environmental management systems, sustainability reporting, aircraft financing and aircraft decommissioning.
In the effort to provide a seamless and personalized passenger journey to air travelers, the aviation industry must continuously adapt to market changes and new technology. The Passenger Experience manuals provide industry guidance, recommended practices as well as technical standards to improve customer experience in air travel.
Airport Collaborative Decision Making (Airport CDM) is now embedded in the ATM operational concept as an important enabler that will improve operational efficiency, predictability and punctuality to the ATM network and airport stakeholders.
EUROCONTROL, 31 March 2017
Network Manager
The ATFCM Users Manual has been prepared with the main object of providing in one document an operational description of the NM ATFCM related actions, information and message exchange.
Edition: 27.0 / 25-Apr-2023
The SESAR Concept Of Operations (CONOPS) Step 1 document provides the top level guidance and serves as the main common reference for all operationally related SESAR tasks. This document may evolve and refinements will be necessary as validation of concept elements is assessed with respect to the delivery of expected performance.
Edition 1.0, 09.May.20123
This document describes the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) to support the delivery of the Digital European Sky. Together with the proposal for an "Integrated ATM" partnership, these documents present the scope and approach to further modernization of Europe’s air traffic management (ATM) capabilities and U-space within the second pillar of Horizon Europe – Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, more specifically within the Climate, Energy and Mobility cluster,
but also linked to the Digital, Energy and Space cluster.
September 2020
Aircraft Characteristics
Airport and Maintenance Planning
Revision No. 25 - Dec 01/23
Aircraft Characteristics
Airport and Maintenance Planning
Revision No. 27 - Dec 01/23
Aircraft Characteristics
Airport and Maintenance Planning
Revision No. 43 - Dec 01/23
Aircraft Characteristics
Airport and Maintenance Planning
Revision No. 32 - Dec 01/23
Aircraft Characteristics
Airport and Maintenance Planning
Revision No. 31 - Jul 01/23
Aircraft Characteristics
Airport and Maintenance Planning
Revision No. 22 - Jul 01/23
Aircraft Characteristics
Airport and Maintenance Planning
Revision No. 12 - Apr 01/24
Aircraft Characteristics
Airport and Maintenance Planning
Revision No. 18 - Dec 01/23
Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning
Rev D - March 2023
Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning
Rev H - March 2023
Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning
Rev C - August 2023
Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning
Rev E - September 2023
Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning
Rev F - August 2022
Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning
Rev J - August 2023
Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning
Rev F - December 2022
Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning
Rev E - February 2023
Prof. dr. Sorin Eugen ZAHARIA
Lecturer dr. Casandra PIETREANU
INAIR, 2018
Francisco Pérez Moreno, Víctor Fernando Gómez Comendador, Raquel Delgado-Aguilera Jurado, María Zamarreño Suárez and Rosa María Arnaldo Valdés
Published: 15 March 2023
Francisco Pérez Moreno, Víctor Fernando Gómez Comendador, Raquel Delgado-Aguilera Jurado, María Zamarreño Suárez, Dominik Janisch and Rosa María Arnaldo Valdés
Published: 15 March 2023
Francisco Pérez Moreno, Fernando Ibáñez Rodríguez, Víctor Fernando Gómez Comendador, Raquel Delgado-Aguilera Jurado, María Zamarreno Suárez, Rosa María Arnaldo Valdés
Published: 21 June 2024
Report of the High Level Group on Aviation Research
©European Union, 2011
The Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) is a not-for-profit association that brings together actors and experts from all parts of the air transport value chain.
December 05, 2024
September 2020
September 2023
How the aviation industry can deploy sufficient sustainable aviation fuel to meet climate ambitions
An ICF Report for ATAG Waypoint 2050
September 2021
Balancing growth in connectivity with a comprehensive global air transport response to the climate emergency: a vision of net-zero aviation by mid-century.
Second Edition, September 2021
Published through the cooperation and agreement of the global aviation Industry High-level Group
Economic Impact Analysis
Montréal, Canada
27 April 2023