Course developed by Menzies Aviation.
Not to be used for purposes other than AVIONIC project.
- To clarify the training courses and qualifications you need to hold to support any de/anti-icing related activity
- To understand the process of de-icing and anti-icing of aircraft on the ground
- To analyze the safety implications associated with the process
- To be able to identify hazards and problems that may arise during the process
- To be able to perform de-icing fluid sampling tests
- To understand the spraying techniques involved during the process
- To ensure you know what to do in cases where things do not go according to plan
- Teacher: Dan Moiceanu

Course developed by Menzies Aviation.
Not to be used for other purposes than Avionic project.
Purpose: To provide delegates with knowledge of the Air Cargo industry and what role they have in contributing towards the safe carriage of all cargo shipments.
At the end of this session the delegate will be able to:
- Define what Air Cargo is and what the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats are to the operation
- Explain the Cargo strategy
- Analyse Menzies Cargo network and key account airlines
- Name standard Cargo strategy
- Define what a Service Level Agreement is (SLA)
- Outline the size of the Cargo business and identify the e-commerce impact
- Explain the evolution of Air Cargo and describe what impact social media has in the Cargo business profile
- Name the Cargo 5
- Outline the importance of our customers and our people
- Teacher: Constantin Mihăiță